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IPFS News Link • United Nations

SDG16: Part 2 -- Enforcing Digital Identity

• By Iain Davis and Whitney Webb

Hiding behind the rhetoric is the real objective: to strengthen and consolidate the power and authority of the "global governance regime" and to exploit threats—both real and imagined—in order to advance regime hegemony. In Part 2, Iain and Whitney examine the centrality of Digital ID (SDG 16.9) in this endeavour.

In Part 1 of our investigation into the United Nations' (UN's) Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) we revealed how the UN proclaims itself a "global governance regime." We investigated the UN's exploitation of so-called "human rights" as an authoritarian system of behavioural control permits, as opposed to any form of recognisable "rights."

We examined how the UN uses what is calls the "policy tool" of human rights to place citizens (us) at the centre of international crises. This enables the UN and its "stakeholder partners" to seize crises as "opportunities" to limit and control our behaviour. The global public-private partnership (G3P), with the UN at its heart, redefines and even discards our supposed "human rights" entirely, claiming "crisis" as justification.

The overall objective of SDG16 is to strengthen the UN regime. The UN acknowledges that SDG16.9 is the most crucial of all its goals. It is, the regime claims, essential for the attainment of numerous other SDGs.

At first, SDG16.9 seems relatively innocuous:

By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
