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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

New Mexico Governor Folds, Removes Firearm Carry Ban from Emergency Order

•, By Jack Davis

However, Lujan Grisham is still trying to create gun-free zones through her executive order.

On Sept. 8, under the guise of a "public health order," the governor issued a ban on carrying guns in the city of Albuquerque and the surrounding Bernalillo County. However, local and state officials said they would not enforce the widely denounced ban, and a court issued a temporary restraining order against its implementation.

Lujan Grisham announced her decision in a news release on Friday, but did not renounce gun restrictions altogether.

Instead, her amended order still bans legal gun owners from carrying firearms at playgrounds and parks or other places set aside for children to play. Although the statewide order notes this applies in areas of specified levels of violent crime, as a practical matter it only covers  Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.

Other parts of the order address state agencies responsible for corrections and behavioral health.

According to KRQE-TV, Lujan Grisham said at a news conference Friday that she wants to crack down on drug activity.

Lujan Grisham said that police in "all jurisdictions" should "coordinate their efforts to make sure open, illicit, substance abuse, drug use is being addressed."

New Mexico "cannot allow illicit [drug] activity to occur," she said.

"The state has not actively been dealing with that accountability for a number of reasons. Not the least of which is treatment, incarceration, situations where we can't get people booked; we don't have enough prosecutors, any number of barriers," she said.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Part of the Satanic psy-op here is the witch wearing a turquoise Cross. The other is that this was a psychological operation to see how Americans would react, and to refine their ongoing war on our minds.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

Part of the Satanic psy-op here is the witch wearing a turquoise Cross. The other is that this was a psychological operation to see how Americans would react, and to refine their ongoing war on our minds.