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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

America's Only Chance Is Re-Embracing Biblical Principles And The US Constitution...

• By Dex Bahr and All News Pipeline

Historically, Americans have been apathetic about the whole political and moral processes of this country. And guess what! Now it has bitten us squarely on the butt. 

Look who's in charge of the presidency, and of blue and even purple states. Look at how these leaders' policies have turned morality upside-down, where perversion is mainstream and lawlessness is encouraged. To paraphrase Obi-Wan Kenobi, there's never been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. 

For far too long we farmed out the task of maintaining our liberty to politicians of whom at least half are of questionable moral character. Let's just put it this way: lots of them are compromised. They're bought off, blackmailed, or both. 

Are they all this way? No, there are some good ones whose actions match their speeches. However, many have mastered the skill of saying what their constituents want to hear only to later stab voters in the back. 

How are voters stabbed in the back? By these hacks not doing what they were elected to do. In the case of Republicans, it means simply beating Democrats and defending the Constitution. 

But over and over again, Republicans have caved to the Democrats, leading many conservatives to start asking, "Why is it when Republicans control the White House and Congress, we make little progress with our policies, while the Democrats' agenda advances even when they're out of power?" This has led many to the conclusion that there is no two-party system — only a Uniparty

Both parties are merely different sides of the same coin. This Uniparty serves the purpose of protecting and enriching the interests of Washington, D.C. while ignoring the well-being of people.

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