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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Creating God? AI May Be Last Invention Of Mankind


 "One small step for man." We came up with the Lindy Hop and musical toothbrushes and mustard gas and glow-in-the-dark Band-Aids and paper and the microscope and bacon—fucking bacon!—and Christmas. "Ma-ma-se, ma-ma-sa, ma-ma-ko-ssa." We went to the bottom of the ocean and into orbit. We sucked energy from the sun and fertilizer from the air. "Let there be light." We created the most amazing pink flamingo lawn ornaments that come in packs of two and only cost $9.99!

In a universe that stretches an estimated 93 billion light-years in diameter with 700 quintillion (7 followed by 20 zeros) planets—here, on this tiny little blue dot we call Earth, one of us created a tool called a spork. The most astounding part is that while that same universe is an estimated 26.7 billion years old, we did everything in just under 6,000 years.

All of this in less than 200 generations of human life.

Now we've just created a new machine that is made of billions of microscopic transistors and aluminum and copper wires that zigzag and twist and turn and are interconnected in incomprehensible ways. A machine that is only a few centimeters in width and length.

A little tiny machine that may end up being the last invention humans ever create.

This all stems from an idea conceptualized in the 1940s and finally figured out a few years ago. That could solve all of the world's problems or destroy every single human on the planet in the snap of a finger—or both. Machines that will potentially answer all of our unanswerable questions: Are we alone in the universe? What is consciousness? Why are we here? Thinking machines that could cure cancer and allow us to live until we're 150 years old. Maybe even 200. Machines that, some estimate, could take over up to 30 percent of all jobs within the next decade, from stock traders to truck drivers to accountants and telemarketers, lawyers, bookkeepers, and all things creative: actors, writers, musicians, painters. Something that will go to war for us—and likely against us.

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Comment by PureTrust
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The Septuagint and Josephus (37AD to 101AD) both used earlier and better Hebrew Old Testaments to show that creation was about 7,500 years ago, not 6,000 like we believe from our current Bible manuscripts. | We don't know for a fact what the size of the universe is. All the calc is based on what we see and understand from here, Earth. The Voyager satellites, the only vehicles we have sent into the heliosphere have shown us some info that is so strange and different that we can't make it match what we know here already... not with accuracy, that is. What anomalies and aberrations are hidden, that warp the light and energies that reach earth, we can only guess. | More than likely, since this earth is filled with evil, that AI will simply be a body that Satan will rise into when he comes back up from the abyss (see Revelations in the Bible). We already have AI in warfare.