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IPFS News Link • Worlds Wealthiest People

MoJo in the DoJo: Musk has the world in an Anakonda Chokehold

•, by The Market Ear

From the "rich list" perspective, it would make Musk close to 2x richer than the 2nd person on the list, and almost half-way to becoming a trillionaire. In terms of the beef with Zuck, he is tapping him out in terms of market cap and Anakonda choking him on the rich list. One can only assume that this MoMo leads to a KO in the Colosseum octagon when the real fight eventually happens.

Tesla's AI case

Adam Jonas of MS out with a high profile upgrade:

1. Tesla is eyed as both a tech and an auto company, with a growing emphasis on software and services for revenue generation.

2. The development of Tesla's Dojo supercomputing effort could potentially replicate AWS's contribution to Amazon's total EBIT.

3. Tesla's full self-driving system version 12 is anticipated to release OTA by the end of the year, marking a notable progression in its tech development.

4. Tesla's AI day in early 2024 is a key event to watch for insights into its tech advancements and future strategies.

MS sees that Dojo can add up to $500bn to Tesla's enterprise value. This is their top pick!