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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Gates-Backed Company Sells Millions of Dengue Fever "Vaccines"...

•, By Ethan Huff

A dengue fever outbreak is sweeping across Brazil after billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates unleashed untold billions of genetically modified (GMO) mosquitos that carry it into the wild. And now the Brazilian government wants to buy loads of Gates' dengue fever vaccines to stop the spread.

Reports indicate that 40 people in Brazil have so far died from dengue fever, according to the nation's health ministry, while another 265 deaths are being investigated to see if they, too, are linked to the outbreak.

Brazil's response to the outbreak has not been one of reflecting as to why there is suddenly a 400 percent increase in dengue fever cases ever since the GMO mosquito release. Instead, the South American country has decided to purchase 5.2 million doses of a dengue fever vaccine called Qdenga that was developed by Japanese drugmaker Takeda. Another 1.32 million doses will also be sent at no cost.

Three Brazilian states have declared emergency status, including Minas Gerais, Brazil's second-most populous state, as well as the Federal District where the capital city of Brasília is located.

Since the start of 2024, there are already more cases of dengue fever in Brasília than there were during the entirety of 2023. The infection rate is currently 1,625 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which is far higher than the national average of 170 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Children aged 10-14 will start receiving the Qdenga injection this week in an attempt to stop the spread of the disease – but will it work?

UN World Mosquito Program also responsible

In 2023, the United Nations' (UN) World Mosquito Program announced a 10-year plan to unleash so-called "gene-edited" mosquitos in Brazil, the alleged purpose being that these GMO bugs will one day eradicate dengue fever from the country.

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