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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

Ed Dowd Says a "Slow Mad Max" Scenario Is Unfolding as America Teeters on...

•, by Ethan Huff

Will the end of the United States as we currently know it come quickly in, say, an hour or will it take several years to fully unwind? In portfolio manager Ed Dowd's view, it will be a "slow Mad Max" type of situation that, by the end, will take everyone by surprise.

(Article cross-posted from Natural News)

In a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and host of the "Health Ranger Report," Dowd spelled out what he sees for the future of America – and it is not pretty.

Every single day, increasingly more people are succumbing to Fauci Flu shot damage, even long after they got jabbed. The ranks of the immunocompromised are constantly expanding, Dowd says, and the implications for the U.S. economy are nothing short of dire.

The reason why so many people remain in the dark has to do with what Dowd described in the interview as "full-spectrum deception," a propaganda campaign that he says is now occurring 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

"I liken this to a glacial Mad Max," Dowd explains around the 10:30 mark in the video below about how he believes the country is going to collapse almost in slow motion over the next several years.

"It's not going to be reported in the news. There's not going to be any fanfare about it. And it's going to happen slowly; not all at once. So, it's not going to be a movie. It'll be five years from now."
