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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

When the water dries up

• by Jared Dyson

There are times in our Christian lives when it seems we are living by the water. Those are the moments when it seems that we are closer to God than we have ever been. Perhaps it seems that everywhere we look, we hear God speaking. When it seems that we need something, He provides it almost immediately. Those are great moments.

But those moments don't last forever. For every one of those moments, there is a counter moment where we simply wish that God would speak. Those are the moments when we feel like we are in the middle of the biggest desert without any water to be found. You could probably say those are the moments when it feels like the water has dried up.

If we were to find our lives constantly living by the water, we would become accustomed to it. We would expect every day to be a special one. But most of all, we would come to a point where we didn't appreciate those moments as much as we do when the water dries up.
