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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

America's Domestic Party Politics Fuel the Ukraine Catastrophe

• By Philip Giraldi

I am surely not the only one who has noticed that the defensive propaganda lines that are flowing out the Democratic Administration have become more than ordinarily ridiculous of late. One is astonished at the melding of fact and fiction to create narratives that depict the White House and all that pertains to it as forging a new and more wonderful country. Wasn't "Build Back Better" the battle cry, whatever that is supposed to mean? And the spin is endless, even when a clueless Joe Biden belatedly winds up in Maui to relate to the tragedy in which at least 1,000 died, only to be greeted by surviving local residents saluting the president with their middle fingers upraised.

As the president looked out over the destruction of an entire city by fire he reminisced by recalling his long ago "almost" encounter with a fire in his kitchen. Locals who were screaming for help from government were, in fact, getting almost nothing while the nation's Chief Executive was in the Oval Office gloating over sending another $23 billion to the arch crook Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, money to fight a war that Biden encouraged and has blithely entered into.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Russia will never accept Ukraine as a NATO partner. Such would be the real prelude to all-out war, worldwide if it falls that way.
