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IPFS News Link • National Security

The Cancer Within

•, by Jacob G. Hornberger

A few months later, the doctor finds a few more tumors on other parts of your body, which he then removes. Every few months, the same thing happens.

Do you see anything wrong with this picture? What the doctor should do is remove the great big cancerous tumor on your colon. That's the source of all the other smaller cancerous tumors that are spreading to other parts of your body. By removing the source of the problem, the doctor terminates the spread of smaller cancerous tumors to the rest of your body.

That's the situation with the national-security state form of governmental structure under which we have all been born and raised. It is a huge cancerous tumor on the American body politic. It is spreading cancerous tumors to the rest of the body politic. It is taking our country down from within.

The problem, however, is that all too many Americans do not want to confront this discomforting truth. They are in denial and, even worse, they focus on distractions or scapegoats for the many ills that are afflicting our nation. They look in every other direction — toward things like wokism, gays, transgenders, Marxism, capitalism, climate change, corporatism, and and many others — to avoid confronting the gigantic cancerous tumor that is taking our country down from within.

Imagine you live in, say, Chicago, and a gigantic space ship suddenly appears over your city and places a huge dome over the city. After a while, the space ship begins zapping five citizens every day at random. A leftist comes up to you and exclaims, "John, we need to do something about capitalism, corporatism, and climate change." A right-winger comes up to you and exclaims, "John, we need to do something about wokism, gays, transgenders, and Marxists." You respond to both of them, "I really think that there is a much bigger problem we need to confront right now." They say, "No way! These are our biggest problems! We need to discuss them with you." You walk away.