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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

AI Humanoid Pilot Might be Able To Solve Pilot Shortage

•, by Tyler Durden

Current data shows a staggering 17,000-pilot gap. This shortfall can be attributed to several factors:

Early retirements spurred by the pandemic.

The unyielding retirement age of 65.

A dwindling number of pilots from the military.

The unappealing prospect for civilians to embark on a pilot career. 

Airlines can only train 1,500 to 1,800 pilots a year. The deficit has triggered all sorts of flight disruptions, with the latest from American Airlines.

However, South Korean researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) developed "Pibot," a life-sized humanoid robot that can fly planes and understand complex flight controls. 

Flight news website Airways Magazine explains more about Pibot's capabilities:

As the world continues to adapt to the growing trend of Artificial Intelligence (AI), South Korean scientists have unveiled a humanoid robot capable of piloting an aircraft.