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IPFS News Link • World Economic Forum

Exclusive Report: WEF Vultures Descend On Maui!

• by Bowne Report

Before we dig into what appears to be a globalist first-strike genocidal crime scene in Maui, we must ask, who are the vested interests on the Lahaina property?

After the State of Hawaii, Alexander & Baldwin is the second-largest landowner on Maui at over 65,000 acres, and the U.S. Government is the third-largest landowner at over 33,000 .

Alexander and Baldwin's largest shareholder is Blackrock inc.

Meanwhile, billionaires within the WEF Bilderberg network have been forcing the locals out ss native Hawaiians fought for rights to their water.

The Deputy water commissioner has been allowing millionaires and developers to divert the water, the same water that wasn't used for 5 hours to fight the fire in Lahaina.
