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IPFS News Link • Lawsuits

In Georgia, President Trump and the 18 Defendants Can and Should SUE Fani Willis-

• by JD Rucker

With the 4th indictment against President Trump in motion, legal minds and wannabe attorneys across the land are speculating about his defense. But Chanel Rion from One America News noted that it may be time for Trump and the other 18 defendants to go on the offensive against malicious prosecution by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

HERE IT IS. GA code allows Trump and the 18 defendants to SUE @FaniforDA for Malicious Prosecution and Abusive Litigation.

Georgia allows lawsuits against prosecutors and members of law enforcement who are accused of false arrents, false imprisonment, abusive litigation, and malicious prosecution. Judging by everything we know about Willis and the case she put before the grand jury, it seems quite obvious that this Soros-backed DA has had her sights on Trump since long before she manufactured a case against him.

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Comment by dreamer
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The Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, stipulates “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government...” FRAUDULENT BALLOTS --- IN A STATE --- IN AN ELECTION --- IS A DENIAL OF A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT ! ! ! Fraudulent ballots in a state election of federal candidates is a federal Constitutional issue. A Republican form of government is not possible without fair representation by the citizens on political issues. Article IV, Section 2, additionally directs “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” The Right [or] Privilege of a valid vote appears to be a Federal guarantee and violation would be actionable. Does this give grounds for federal suit --- or counter-suit --- to any citizen with evidence of a state election fraud ?? or removal to federal court ??