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IPFS News Link • China

China is trying to steal a U.S. presidential election – again!

•, By Joseph Farah

The Chinese have already bought off our billionaire class in America, they're inflicting close to 100,000 U.S. deaths a year with fentanyl, they unleashed the COVID-19 virus the Centers for Disease Control says killed 1,136,473 Americans, they've bought 380,000 acres of strategic U.S. farmland – and they're probably going to try to steal the next election from Donald J. Trump. In fact, they likely helped steal the last presidential election, in 2020.

What's that you say? How could they do that?

A Chinese company tied to the Chinese Communist Party already owns or controls 32 of the precinct places in major cities in the U.S. But, isn't that illegal? Well, the FBI knows about it. In fact, they got the proof from the organization True the Vote. And the feds are more steamed at True the Vote than the Chinese. And some of the researchers that discovered this connection to the Chicoms expect to be punished for it.

Those are the facts, Jack.

So why is nobody telling you this besides me? Because I have sources. I've investigated and exposed lots of stories over the 26 years WND has been in business. Hundreds of them. My staff is responsible for a good many more scoops.