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IPFS News Link • Healthcare Industry

The Ohio Medical Board Hearing


Last week, I wrote about the preparation for this hearing. You can find that post here.

On Wednesday, August 9, a hearing of the Ohio Medical Board was held in Columbus, Ohio. Two years in the making, it was an interesting experience to sit before a panel of your judgmental "peers." They were seated on an elevated platform, much like the hearings one sees on TV of congress seated behind microphones and looking down on those they are interrogating. A group of nearly 30 friends came to support me at the hearing, which appeared to somewhat rattle the Board members.

Shortly after the hearing began, my attorney, Tom Renz, who was sitting with me about half-way back from the single podium in the center of the Board, was called to speak. He was given exactly 5 minutes to rebut the Boards accusation – that I had "failed to cooperate" with their unfounded "investigation." I was not allowed to speak.

Keep in mind this is the only charge against me: I failed to cooperate.
