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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Won't Travel to Maui Amid Devastating Wildfires


"We don't want to distract from the resources that need to go in to the victims of this tragedy, and of course, the needs of the first responders have to be able to focus on that issue and not worry about focusing on us [because] we're there," Harris told reporters before boarding Air Force Two for Chicago on Friday, C-SPAN reported.

"We are coordinating federal resources to swiftly get there to support the work in terms of recovery but to just support the folks on the ground. It is tragic," Harris noted. She said that she and Biden are "deeply concerned" about the wildfires that have cost the lives of 55 people.

On Thursday, Biden issued a federal disaster declaration for the island, as reported by CNN, which noted that federal efforts are underway.

"We're working as quickly as possible to fight those fires and evacuate residents and tourists. In the meantime, our prayers are with the people of Hawaii, but not just our prayers: every asset that we have will be available to them," Biden said, according to CNN.