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IPFS News Link • Utah

Iron County, Utah Outnumbered by Gov't Workers Fights Back...

• Daily News from the Art of Liberty Foundation

by ironcountynews

"The Iron County Board of Commissioners will be holding a special public meeting on Tuesday, August 15th. The meeting will be held in Cedar City at Festival Hall, Room 7, at 6PM. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct a public hearing concerning a proposed tax increase to the Iron County General Fund." (1)

As Iron County citizens, we need to educate ourselves and be at the public hearing if possible.

As I was researching information in regard to preparing this article, I came across some revealing numbers that I believe all Iron County citizens should be aware of concerning the proposed tax increase.

The information is public record and can be sourced with footnotes. It is intended to help educate Iron County residents on fiscal responsibilities to ourselves and posterity.

I hear through the rumor mill, that we need to increase taxes in order to "pay our county employees and the Sheriff and the deputies wages that will keep them here, instead of being a training ground for them to go somewhere else." But is this a fear tactic being used against Iron County citizens?
