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IPFS News Link • Censorship

Disinformation And Censorship, 1984–2023

•, by Tyler Durden

Orwell, again. 1984 seems written for the Biden era. Underlying it all is the concept of disinformation, the root of propaganda and mind control. So it is in 2023. Just ask FBI Director Chris Wray. Or Facebook.

George Orwell's novel explores the concept of disinformation and its role in controlling and manipulating society. Orwell presents a dystopian future where a totalitarian regime, led by the Party and its figurehead Big Brother, exerts complete control over its citizens' lives, including their thinking. The Party employs a variety of techniques to disseminate disinformation and maintain its power. One of the most prominent examples is the concept of "Newspeak," a language designed to restrict and manipulate thought by reducing the range of expressible ideas. Newspeak aims to replace words and concepts that could challenge or criticize the Party's ideology, effectively controlling the way people think and communicate (in our own time and place, think of "unhoused," "misspoke," LGBTQIAXYZ+, "nationalist," "terrorist").
