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IPFS News Link • United Kingdom

The British NHS More Resembles a Statist Cult Than Advanced Healthcare

•, Jess Gill

Service (NHS). Children's choirs sang "Happy Birthday" at a thanksgiving church service celebrating the NHS at Westminster Abbey. In attendance were the prime minister and the opposition leader, among others. The notion that the NHS is the closest thing the United Kingdom has to a state religion has never been truer.

However, behind the pomp and pageantry, the NHS is a god that has failed. The reality is that the NHS should be one of the United Kingdom's biggest shames, as it constantly lets down both patients and staff while placing a substantial burden on the taxpayer.

The number of people waiting for treatment in England has reached unprecedented levels, with a backlog of 7.4 million—about one in eight of the population. Alarmingly, over 371,000 people have been waiting for over a year to receive treatment.
