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IPFS News Link • Past Presidents

Brexit leader Farage "debanked" for being friends with Trump and going against "WOKE&


According to a Telegraph article authored by Farage, he has seen the Stasi-style surveillance report used to justify the bank's extraordinary action, and "it is, frankly, shocking," he said, adding that at a meeting of the bank's wealth reputational risk committee on Nov 17, 2022, executives agreed to "debank" him once his mortgage expired.

"The first thing to say is that Coutts's decision to cancel me had nothing to do with my finances. Contrary to the damaging briefings made to the BBC and the FT this month about my holdings falling below the bank's threshold, the report states several times that my 'economic contribution' is sound, and my funds are "sufficient to retain on a commercial basis," he revealed. "It even acknowledges that I am a positive net financial contributor to the bank. Whoever at Coutts thought it clever to feed friendly media outlets outright lies about me sorely misjudged the situation."
