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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

The Great Debate That Will Not Happen

• by Jeffrey Tucker

This morning I read the 10th of probably 100s of articles pleading with vaccine cheerleader Professor Peter Hotez not to debate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

He would never do this because he would be crushed.

There really isn't any doubt about that.

The only question is whether anything would be gained for quality science at all by the outcome.

Our side says yes and their side says no.

Our times have taught us this with certainty: the Hotez camp (which includes all the three-letter agencies plus the whole of the pharma industry plus the media) want an information lockdown.

They have one message: take your meds. It doesn't amount to much more than that.

RFK Jr., on the other hand, has some serious questions about adverse effects, the combinations of meds we are taking, and the conflicts of interest that are everywhere in this sector. He has spent decades studying and litigating them. He also has grave questions about the relationship between gain-of-function research and the bioweapons industry in the United States and around the world.
