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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

The only relevant question is why does Putin permit the Ukraine conflict to continue?

• by Paul Craig Rob

Nothing reported in the Western media is accurate.  Consider this BBC report from Johnson's Russia List today June 23, 2023:


BBC Monitoring

Ukraine says 680 Russian troops killed in past 24 hours

Some 680 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine over the past 24 hours, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said on Facebook on 23 June.

This brings Russia's estimated total losses since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine to around 223,330 personnel.

Russia's other total approximate losses include 4,017 (+four over the past 24 hours) tanks, 7,798 (+15) armoured fighting vehicles, 3,985 (+44) artillery systems, 617 MRLS, 379 (+three) air defence systems, 314 warplanes, 307 helicopters, 3,447 (+nine) UAVs, 1,214 cruise missiles, 18 warships/boats, 6,708 (+30) vehicles and fuel tankers, and 545 (+six) pieces of special equipment, the update reads.

There is not one word of truth in this report.  

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Putin and Russia have all of Siberia to develop. The only resource they lack is people to do the developing. A big push against Ukraine might end in nuclear war. US nukes are nothing to scoff at, even though Russia's might be bigger and better and more of them. Nukes are a bad idea for the whole world. There probably wouldn't be any developing of Siberia for hundreds of years after a full blown nuclear war. So, like the US, NATO, China, and other countries, Russia is not going to provoke a nuclear world holocaust, except as an absolute last defense. Play the game slowly, and win at it slowly, rather than not winning anything at all.