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Sweden axes Renewable Energy Targets, shifts back to nuclear power

• by Jo Nova

They have switched their 100% "renewables" target by 2045 to a 100% fossil-free target. It's still a pagan antipathy of the sixth element of the periodic table. But at least it's a more pragmatic version.

Sweden topped the EU list for renewables share of energy in the last tally — albeit with mostly biomass and hydropower. It was a star of the renewables set — number 1 on the Climate Council list of the "11 countries leading the way". Yet here they are effectively giving up on the unreliable generators. Surely this must hurt?

The team at NetZeroWatch applaud the Swedish shift, and suggest the UK follow.

Sweden adopts new fossil-free target, making way for nuclear 

Florence Jones, Power Technology

Sweden's parliament adopted a change to its energy targets on Tuesday, which will see it become 100% fossil fuel-free by 2045.

The change means that nuclear generation can count towards the government's energy targets. Sweden's Government voted to phase-out nuclear power 40 years ago, but in June 2010 parliament voted to repeal the policy. The government elected last year seeks to promote nuclear power.


Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson said in parliament. "We need more electricity production, we need clean electricity and we need a stable energy system." State-owned utility Vattenfall is looking at building at least two small modular reactors and at extending the life of the country's existing reactors.
