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IPFS News Link • Education: Personal Growth

Give Us A Kid Till She's 7 and We'll Have Her For Life

• Psychology Today

It works.

Many years ago, a young son of my ancestors was kidnapped during a Russian pogrom. His father and brother spent years searching — everywhere.

They eventually found him — living as a teenage seminarian in Constantinople. He knew nothing of his family. He had no wish to know. He just wanted to become a Russian Orthodox priest.

It's not only religious organizations that know the power of early training and indoctrination. So do food companies.

The Future of American Obesity

Clara first saw Happy Soda on TV when she was 2 years old. Everyone looked so glad! The characters, with their funny costumes and big smiles, stood out against the other dozen food ads she watched every day — like any average American child.

And Clara loved that smooth, sugary pull at the back of her throat when she drank the magic liquid. Every time she took a sip she wanted another — though her parents would only allow her tiny. When she was allowed to use a tablet at the age of 4, Clara went looking for Happy Soda. And there it was! All those happy characters. And now they were willing to play just with her.