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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Operation Babylift and the Hypocrisy of the International Criminal Court

•, by kurt nimmo

In America, the scurrilous neocon and warmonger propagandist Max Boot weighed in on the meaningless and unenforcible decision to arrest President Putin. Boot's argument is delusional, but then neocons thrive on lies and delusions.

Propaganda, pure and simple. Boot is an accessory to mass murder, having advocated the invasion of Iraq, the slaughter of over a million Iraqis, and the engineered destruction of their country.

The hypocritical ICC didn't bother to contrast and compare Putin's supposed abduction of Ukrainian children to an organized mass kidnapping of Vietnamese children. It was dubbed "Operation Babylift," ordered by then President Ford, and was conducted at the end of the Vietnam War as the USG evacuated, having lost the war.

The Vietnamese children abducted without permission were described as "orphans," although many had parents and relatives that were left behind. 3,300 children, described as "infants" (many were older children), were parceled out to families in America, Australia, West Germany, and France.
