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IPFS News Link • Death


• World Alternative Media - Josh Sigurdson - Bitchut

Josh Sigurdson reports on the secret CDC report which confirms that indeed, 535,000 American children and young adults have died from the vaccines.

Using basic graphs, it's easy to see the difference between the unvaccinated, the once vaccinated, the twice vaccinated and the three times vaccinated. The excess deaths among the twice and three times vaccinated are through the roof and impossible to cover up. The so-called covid numbers among those groups are clearly manipulated at the same time which is apparent in graphing as there are "zero" covid deaths among the twice vaccinated but a large amount among the once vaccinated, then suddenly an enormous amount among the three times vaccinated.

The Expose News did an incredible job graphing out the data from the CDC and illustrating what the information means.

According to Lincoln National, one of the top life insurance companies in the world, there is a 163% increase in life insurance payouts year over year. This is apocalyptic.

The UK government has also acknowledged that the unvaccinated had the lowest mortality rate per capita in 2022.

We've also found out that the Moderna CEO told his staff to ready 1 billion vaccines back in 2019 before the plandemic, saying that there would be a major pandemic in 2020.

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