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IPFS News Link • Food Shortages

The War On America's Food Supply Moves Into Horrific New Territory With Thousands...

•, By Stefan Stanford

Back in 2022, a little seen movie was released featuring actors Adam Driver and Don Cheadle among others titled "White Noise." Featuring the tag line "You can't hear it if it's everywhere," as ANP reader Johnny Shaffer pointed out in a very interesting comment on this ANP story"White Noise" is quite bizarrely a film about a chemical train wreck in Ohio, and as even CNN pointed outmany of the extras for that movie were locals from East Palestine Ohio who, in the film, evacuated, then months later had to do so in real life!

Nothing less than 'predictive programming' to the max thrown directly in America's faces, keep in mind the film's tag line, "You can't hear it if it's everywhere," as we explore that train derailment 'conveniently happening' as the globalists rush us towards all-out war while a 'war of the world's' scenario is also forced upon us, commanding Americans attention at a time when the Biden cabal tries desperately to take the attention of Americans away from his act of war putting us on the fast track to WW3. 

Yet as numerous ANP readers have pointed out about the train derailment that caused towns in both Ohio and Pennsylvania to be evacuated, it's causing an absolute catastrophe environmentally, with Sil Caggiano, a hazardous materials specialist and former fire department chief, warning residents never should have been allowed to return to their homes so quickly without all of their homes being tested for the toxic materials released into the atmosphere, with Caggiano claiming "We basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open."