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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

UNICEF's History of Using Disasters to Vaccinate Children with the Oral Polio Vaccine that Sprea

• by Brian Shilhavy

Unlike the U.S. where most parents are brainwashed by the corporate media and the western allopathic medical system into believing that vaccines promote healthy children, many parents in poorer, developing countries are very wary of western vaccines, and resist them.

When disasters strike these countries, as is happening today in Syria and Turkey, UNICEF is there to vaccinate as many children, and parents, as possible.

The #1 vaccine that UNICEF gives to children in disaster areas, is the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is banned in western countries like the U.S., because it is known to "shed" and actually cause polio.

We reported on the mass polio vaccination of Syrian children back in 2013 when the Syrian refugee crisis was exploding:

Are UNICEF Live Polio Vaccines Causing Polio Among Syrians? 1.7 Billion Polio Vaccines Purchased by UNICEF

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