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IPFS News Link • Business/ Commerce

Cybertruck vs. DeLorean

• by Eric

First, about relying on government to float your business. DeLorean didn't use regulations – and "mandates" – to rent-seek his cars onto the market, as Elon Musk's Tesla operation has relied on. Most people have no idea that Tesla – despite its putative value on Wall Street – has made very little money selling cars and almost all of its money selling shares and "carbon credits" – an extortion racket set up by the government for the benefit of Tesla. The latter was able to "sell" these "credits" – for building "zero emissions" electric cars – to other car manufacturers that didn't manufacture them but which were obliged to manufacture them, in order to comply with "zero emissions" vehicle manufacturing quotas. They had to either build a number of "zero emissions" electric vehicles themselves – or buy "credits" from Elon for building them.

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