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BMW Announces Deeper Partnership On Solid State Batteries

•, By: Andrei Nedelea

BMW, like many other automakers, is looking to crack the solid state battery problem and get the technology to market (and in its EVs) quicker than the competition. The manufacturer entered a joint partnership to develop solid state batteries for automotive use with Solid Power, which is also working with Ford towards the same goal.

Now BMW has announced that it will "start the next phase of joint research and development," and that it wants to use cell pilot production lines from Solid Power at its own Cell Manufacturing Competence Center, which it opened last year. The goal behind this was obviously to hasten the development of automotive solid state batteries and get them in a series production vehicle.

According to Frank Weber, Member of the Board of Management BMW AG, Development,

BMW remains committed to the pursuit of all-solid-state batteries, a technology which we believe has significant potential for the future. We look forward to working even more closely with Solid Power and adding the capability to produce solid-state cells based on Solid Power's designs at our own pilot facility. We expect this agreement to accelerate the installation of our solid-state prototype line and our companies' mutual goal of commercializing this promising cell technology.

Before BMW begins operating this prototype production line, though, the manufacturer will first send send personnel over to Solid Power for training purposes. And even once it is operational, the press release doesn't make it sound like the automaker will be able to produce its own solid state cells for automotive use - these will come directly from Solid Power, which plans to send the first ones to BMW for testing this year.
