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IPFS News Link • Food Shortages

Here's Why So Many People Are Stockpiling Emergency Food Now


As everyone knows, inflation is making life miserable all around the world. The perfect storm of pandemic-related supply chain collapses—coupled with military conflicts, boycotts, sanctions, embargos, and other disruptions—has caused a severe shortage of nearly everything our economy depends on.

Furthermore, according to the World Bank, "Farmers have reduced the acreage of crops such as wheat after selling last year's harvest at a loss." Therefore, you can expect to see less food in the future—because it takes time for food to be planted, grown, and harvested. Imagine how painful a months-long gap in the food supply chain will be.

All of this is painfully obvious in the form of constantly rising food prices. For the past few months, we've seen wheat prices going 15% higher than the month before. Same with corn and rice. Yet these are essential ingredients in almost all food products on earth. When they become unaffordable, everyone suffers.

That's why it takes many more "Benjamins" to pay for a cart full of groceries these days. Add to that the devaluation of our currency because of the over-printing of money (trillions of extra dollars) during the pandemic, and we have a recipe for absolute disaster in the year ahead.

What Can You Do About It?

That's the question everyone is asking themselves right now. Fortunately, there's an answer: long-term storage emergency food. The kind you keep on hand in case of emergencies such as natural disasters, economic catastrophe, power grid failure… you name it. These days, anything can suddenly take you by surprise and cause a food shortage. It's wise to be prepared with the essentials you'll need in an emergency—especially since your family's survival may depend on it.

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