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IPFS News Link • Ukraine

French Social Media Erupts as Store Clerk on Avenue Montaigne Reports Zelenskyy's Wife...

•, By: RumorMail

Olena Zelenska, wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, traveled to Paris France for a four-day visit December 12-14. As reported by Le Monde, "Members of the Ukrainian government will also come, including Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, and several ministers in charge of reconstruction, including Yulia Svyrydenko (economy), Oleksandr Kubrakov (infrastructure) and German Galushchenko (energy)."

However, social media has erupted today after a "reliable store clerk" working on the ritzy Avenue Montaigne, has reported that Olena Zelenska went on a Christmas shopping spree spending €40,000 euros in an hour. (citation) Previously President Zelenskyy's wife was received by French first lady Bridget Macron.

If the reporting is accurate, the spending spree comes at a bad time optically, as Mrs. Zelenska's husband Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is simultaneously asking the European Union to provide more financial support for the embattled country.

Additionally, the Biden administration is trying to push congress to pass another $38 billion spending package for Ukraine to bring the total spent well over $100 billion.

Mrs. Zelenskyy Christmas shopping in glitzy Paris stores and dropping €40,000 while her husband bangs his tin cup isn't exactly a good look.