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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Controlled Opposition: the problem is McConnell and McCarthy, not Trump or DeSantis

•, By Jordan Schachtel

For all of the editorial ink spilled this week about how Donald Trump is to blame for the lack of a "Red Wave," or speculation about the DeSantis v Trump presidential debate, there seems to be very little attention paid to the institutional forces that have been running the Republican Party for decades.

America's progressive, authoritarian shift has only accelerated under the stewardship of GOP institutional forces, represented today by the likes of Sen. Mitch McConnell and Rep. Kevin McCarthy, both of whom may soon be anointed as the leaders of their respective chambers. These GOP frontmen and their facilitators are not merely weak, feckless politicians, they're much worse than that.

Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are bought and paid for assets for a variety of interests, none of which represent protecting the individual freedoms of Americans. In exchange for the highest seats of power, these two men sold themselves out to the highest bidders many moons ago.

Yes, there are indeed some legislators (think: House Freedom Caucus, liberty-oriented senators, etc) within the Republican Party who truly act as bulwarks to the tyrannical statists in Washington. However, the people who are actually in charge of the GOP remain committed Uniparty assets.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the roommate of disgraced opioid huckster Frank Luntz, is said to be a major frontrunner to become the next Speaker of the House.