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IPFS News Link • Food Shortages

25 Food Items That Will Disappear From Grocery Stores In The Months Ahead

• Epic Economist

We're all witnessing the continuous collapse of our food supply chain, and over the past couple of years, that process has dramatically accelerated. Extreme weather, supply chain disruptions, avian flu, shortages of farming equipment, labor and fertilizers, as well as the escalation of geopolitical conflicts and major inflationary pressures are all creating a nightmare scenario for food production in the U.S. and all over the world. Many of the staples that we consume every day and usually take for granted are at risk of disappearing from our stores in the months and years ahead.

Take a look at your local grocery store shelves. How barren is the meat counter? It probably is far emptier than it was in 2019. The pandemic triggered the shutdown of several meat plants and unprecedented labor disruptions in the industry that ended up pushing meat, poultry, and pork prices up by 20 percent or more. Supply chain issues also created considerable holes in the infrastructure for the production and distribution of meat products. And more recently, millions of cases of avian influenza led to the decimation of egg-laying chicken flocks all over the country. Because of this, many stores are already experiencing major chicken shortages. To make things worse, lots of consumers are panic buying as much chicken as they can now - even at record prices - before it all disappears. From now on, meat supplies are expected to get even tighter, especially after ranchers sold off millions of cattle during this summer's drought. Given that it takes years to raise cattle until they reach the right size and weigh for slaughter, our national meat supply is likely to remain strained for the foreseeable future. 

Similarly, Milk is a nearly universal staple in American households, with over 90% of families having it in their fridge, according to data provided by the Center for Dairy Excellence, so it's a little alarming to know that we're in the middle of a massive milk crisis. With a shortage of grass and grain for cow feed hitting farmers hard this summer, many of them were forced to sell their cows much earlier than normal, which means these cows won't be breeding, and therefore, producing milk. They are being slaughtered at a young age to boost the national supply of beef. So milk and dairy products will be much harder to find in the months ahead, and prices are going to be significantly higher, too.

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