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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

More Women are Dying from Cervical Cancer Since the Gardasil Vaccine Was Introduced

• by Brian Shilhavy

Prior to the COVID-19 experimental vaccines that were tested on the public with disastrous results, the HPV Gardasil vaccine was the #1 most-read topic on Health Impact News, as we have published literally hundreds of articles on this deadly vaccine that has destroyed so many lives.

The Gardasil vaccine produced by Merck is advertised as a way to prevent cervical cancer by stopping the Human papillomavirus. The HPV vaccine causes autoimmune diseases as well as Primary Ovarian Failure making young girls infertile.

And now, a new study from researchers at UCLA has revealed that late stage cervical cancer has actually been increasing since the Gardasil vaccine was launched.

It seems like a contradiction when it comes to cervical cancer…the September International Journal of Gynecological Cancer shows overall rates are on the decline, but more women are getting diagnoses with stage four cancer. That means more women are dying. (Source.)

Of course if you read about this study in the corporate media, they will interview doctors who recommend more HPV vaccines.

Here is a 2-minute report on this new study out of UCLA from Dr. Peterson Pierre with America's Frontline Doctors. This is on our Bitchute channel.
