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IPFS News Link • Bioterrorism

Staggering Proof The Globalists Are Pulling Out All Stops To Weaponize Bioweapons...

•, By Stefan Stanford

Fresh on top of the absolutely outrageous reports that Boston University is using American taxpayer dollars to create a COVID virus with an 80% kill rate in mice, that coming on top of the COVID-caused lockdown and imposition of medical tyranny upon Americans for 2+ years for a virus that was also most likely created in a lab, we get this new story out of Maryland that should be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

With COVID not scaring enough people into taking their experimental mRNA injections and the word out now that 'Monkeypox' is the 'next big thing' we should take their experimental concoctions for,  psychopaths at a US Government lab in Maryland plan to create a hybrid monkeypox strain that is MORE deadly than one currently spreading in the US. And with NIAID research that will see so-called 'experts' swapping genes between two monkeypox strains, they have a goal of, get this, to attempt to make the currently dominant clade more lethal and infect mice with it. 

And while they claim the goal of the project is to spur the development of better drugs for humans, as the top-voted comment on that story pointed out alarmingly, "Everyone should be asking WHY? It can't be anything good!" Some of the other commenters on that story pointed out things such as: 

"Why Republicans AND Democrats aren't up in arms about this is mine boggling. This needs to stop."  

"Fauci at work - again." 

"WHO is Paying for the Research?" 

"Maryland had the first cases of a mysterious Respiratory disease...and this is where it came from Fort Detrick."