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IPFS News Link • Positive News

Arizona farm gives refuge from pain, for man and beast alike


In the next row, a woman whose daughter died by suicide goes through the poses next to a man with a tattoo of three little ducks, one for each of the children who was murdered.

Just beyond, in the fields of this sanctuary for the grieving, is a sheep whose babies were snatched by coyotes, a goat saved from slaughter and a horse that was badly mistreated carrying loads at the Grand Canyon.

Soon, the morning fog will lift and the chorus of cicadas will end the quiet. But for a moment, all is still, as if nature has paused to acknowledge this gathering of worldly suffering.

"There's a comfort in knowing," says Suzy Elghanayan, a mother whose young son died earlier this year of a seizure, "that we're all in the same place that we never wanted to be."