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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Russia Warns Of A "Direct Military Clash" With The U.S.

• Activist Post

Diplomat Konstantin Vorontsov told the UN General Assembly on Tuesday that the U.S.'s continued supply of weapons to Ukraine will only be tolerated for so long.  Moscow's envoy was speaking after the Pentagon announced the contents of another military shipment to Ukraine, valued at $625 million.

"The US is increasing the deliveries of weapons to Ukraine, providing its military with intelligence information, ensuring the direct participation of its fighters and advisers in the conflict," Vorontsov, who is the deputy head of the Russian delegation, told the General Assembly's First Committee, a body charged with arms control and security issues. This "not only prolongs hostilities and leads to new casualties, but also brings the situation closer to the dangerous line of a direct military clash between Russia and NATO," Vorontsov added.