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IPFS News Link • Energy

Is FIREWOOD the Next Shortage in America?

•, Aden Tate

Why? Because of a firewood shortage. And this may be a problem that hits closer to home than you would think. What are the developments here? What are we seeing?

Let's take a closer look.

Are firewood shortages something new? 

Perhaps we should start off by saying that firewood shortages aren't necessarily a new development. We've seen them in the past. For example, we saw one in both 2014 and in 2021. But in the spirit of never-ending shortages, it seems as if we're going to face one in this department this year as well.

For now, let's start with looking at Europe.

Europe is chilly. 

It's no secret that Europeans are going to have a hard time staying warm this winter. Germany essentially shot itself in the foot with their refusal to make their country energy independent. At one time, they laughed at the idea that their country's dependence on Russian fuel was a risk to both their national security and sovereignty.