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IPFS News Link • World Economic Forum

WEF Hosts New York 'Climate Crisis' Confab, Featuring BlackRock, Bezos, and CNN

• By Jordan Schachtel

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has arrived in New York this week to continue its sustained attack on individual and national sovereignty, partnering with major legacy financial and media institutions to wage its campaign.

The WEF kicked off its Sustainable Development Impact Meetings on Monday in New York, hosting a technocratic tyranny themed confab (under the guise of a continuing "climate crisis") on the sidelines of the annual U.N. General Assembly meetings.

The WEF, which serves as the narratives and ideas shop of the global ruling class, helped to popularize movements such as The Great Reset and the Build Back Better campaign, among other maneuvers designed to "transition" the world to a system of authoritarian "global governance."

In New York, the WEF's programming features the "climate crisis" front and center, as WEF President Klaus Schwab and his cantillionaire compatriots clearly understand this movement as the best opportunity to hoover up the remaining rights and property of individuals and nations.