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Past time for half measures


Denial is the first instinct. But denial has not been working.

Are we really to believe that – absent some malign influence backed up with massive support from entities who wish to bring America low, to defeat via some "non-traditional" form of warfare a nation whose military they dare not challenge – the normal development of American culture could have brought us, over a mere generation or two, from kindly schoolmarms insisting that their young charges master the difference between "there," "their," and "they're," to our current crop of green- or purple-haired freaks with staples in their faces, indoctrinating eminently suggestible kids as young as 6 or even 5 that doctors often "just take a guess" when declaring a newborn is a boy or a girl, that huge numbers of children are in fact "girls trapped in boys' bodies," or vice versa?

Is it really reasonable to assume that – absent some kind of organized, malign, and well-funded campaign by those who wish to bring America low, we could have gone in a mere couple of generations from doctors who took seriously their Hippocratic oath to "first, do no harm," to a crop of young Dr. Mengeles who today happily perform on boys as young as 15 or 16 — too young to have ever known the pleasures (yes, and tribulations) of marriage or parenthood what is called, in a breathtaking example or Orwellian euphemism, "Gender Affirmation Surgery" — including "gender affirming" hysterectomies which permanently sterilize girls youngeer than 16?

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