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IPFS News Link • China

China's War-Drills Disrupt Container Ship Traffic To Taiwan's Top Ports

•, by Tyler Durden

Container ships and other vessels are dropping anchor at sea to avoid China's military exercises around the self-ruled island. This is happening outside the Kaohsiung port in the south of Taiwan, explained Jayendu Krishna, deputy head of consultancy Drewry Maritime Advisors.

"They [vessels] will avoid going to Kaohsiung for the next two to three days, because that's directly in the line of fire," said Krishna. "Some dry bulk ships and tankers have been asked to anchor and wait for orders." 

Meanwhile, Kaohsiung is operating under normal conditions as China is carrying out exercises 15 miles away from the port's entrance, according to the port's vice president, Su Jiann-rong. 

"There has been no impact from the military drills so far," he said, adding that empty piers are available at the port.