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IPFS News Link • Water Issues-Water Fluoridation

Have a well on your own property in California? Get ready to start paying taxes and fees...

• Law Enforcement Today

The following includes editorial content which is the opinion of the writer. 

CALIFORNIA- Recently, California's clown of a governor, Gavin Newsom, advertised in the state of Florida, trying to woo residents of that state to the land of fruits and nuts, California.

Seriously who wouldn't want to leave a tax free state such as Florida and move to California, where the only thing they don't tax is the air that you breathe…or at least they have yet to figure out how to do so.

Now we're learning that in addition to everything else they tax, California plans to bill landowners on water they take out of their own wells, on their own land, WND reports.

Not, this is not a piece from The Babylon Bee…this is a plan from California lawmakers. It is reported that the bill will cost landowners hundreds of dollars in fees, and a whopping 25% penalty for anyone who doesn't pony up on time.

According to ZeroHedge, a source near San Diego has informed the California Globe about a letter that's been circulated to owners of private water wells.

"California is marching toward a world where those with wells on their own property will be required to put a meter on them and pay the government. Because in their world, the government owns everything and we're just renters," the source said.
