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HBO's 'The Anarchists' Directors Deluged With Death Threats As Communists Do Commie Thin

•, Jeff Berwick

I mean, 'death to the capitalists and directors of degenerate documentaries' furious. 

They seem to be upset not so much by the fact that our community is trying to find freedom from authoritarianism, but rather that as anarcho-capitalists we don't want to be poor-because-of-state-extortion while doing it. And, that we're actually helping anyone who wants to learn how to survive the socio-economic catastrophe the world's governments have dumped us in.

However, it has been made clear to me by my new circle of uninformed hatespeech critics that, "Anarchism has always been an anti-capitalist, anti-racist, and anti-facist movement". 

Also, Anarchapulco is apparently a "bitcoin convention for ageing grifters and abusers" and I'm a "right-wing, white supremacist, anti-Semitic bitcoin-bro".

And, for God's sake, you can't be an anarchist with a popped collar polo shirt!  There are dress codes and rules to be an anarchist!

So Jeff Berwick, how dare you call yourself an anarchist?!?
