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IPFS News Link • Child Protective Services

CPS Preys On The Children Of Addicts: The Opioid Addiction And Child Trafficking Connection


Kathrine Lester has learned the hard way that CPS and the family court system are not there to look out for the best interests of families. Kathrine is the daughter of a military veteran. She grew up to believe in personal responsibility and accountability, but also in the power of individual people to change their lives with the right influences.

Sadly, Kathrine's adult daughter fell into drug addiction and then got pregnant. Her daughter pledged to get clean, but Kathrine saw it wasn't happening, and decided the time had come for tough love. So she made a call to her daughter's doctor, informing him about the drug use. But then, she made the mistake of also calling her local police and social services departments to complain about child endangerment.

Both of them said that since her daughter was only pregnant, her unborn child didn't count and there was nothing they could do. Instead, they waited for Kathrine's grandson Angel to be born, and then they seized the child for themselves, even though Kathrine's daughter and the boy's father said they wanted Angel placed with Kathrine.