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If There Is A Nuclear War Between The U.S. And Russia, Most Americans Will Die By Starving To...

•, by Michael

Most Americans believe that if a nuclear war with Russia actually happens the vast majority of the U.S. population will be instantly wiped out.  But that is not what the science says.  What the studies have shown is that only about 20 percent of the U.S. population will be instantly killed during a nuclear exchange.  If you live near a military base or some other highly strategic target you will probably be among that 20 percent.  Otherwise, it is likely that you will starve to death during the horrifying "nuclear winter" that follows.

A brand new study that was just released has concluded that average global temperatures would immediately drop by a whopping 13 degrees following a full-blown nuclear exchange…

Firestorms would release ash and smoke into the upper atmosphere that would block out the Sun, resulting in crop failure around the world, according to researchers from Louisiana State University. In the first month following these catastrophic detonations, average global temperatures would plunge by about 13 degrees Fahrenheit, more than during the most recent Ice Age.