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IPFS News Link • Africa: On the Map

What Happens when the Majority of a Nation's Citizens Decide Not to Comply with Tyrannical Edict

• Health Impact News

by Bushiri

AUTHOR'S NOTE: whilst reading the following, it would behove the reader to bear in mind that President John Magufuli was one of the most popular African leaders of recent history. His support base amongst ordinary people was real and enormous, due to his genuine warmth, his determination to put the people first and to rid his country of corruption, fat cats and government idleness.

Just ask yourself: Which other leader anywhere in the world has ever voluntarily HALVED his own salary and given the other half to worthy causes? Magufuli did that, and a lot more besides, throughout his entire five-and-a-half-years' presidency.

And such was his success at pulling his country up by the bootstraps that he was known locally, and affectionately, as "the bulldozer."

It is almost one year now since the assassination of the world's one and only sovereign leader who waged open warfare against the COVID-19 Cabal.

This is a first-hand account of the situation on the ground in Tanzania since the hit squad was sent in to eliminate the only leader who fought the Cabal and their 'vaccines' head-on, out in the open, from day one…