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IPFS News Link • Prepping

8 Tips for Prepping in Suburbia and the City

• Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

If you aren't already living on your dream acreage in the country, you may need to settle in for the long haul wherever you are. I've written many times about the importance of "blooming where you're planted" – heck, I even created a course about it. But with our current economic situation, you may need to get serious about prepping in the city or suburbia if that's where you happen to be.

I've lived a whole lot of places – way out in the boondocks, on a little homestead, in suburbia, in Europe, in Mexico, and currently, in an apartment in a large city. In each and every one of those homes, I prepped to the best of my ability.

And that's all you can do. You have to be realistic and know that there's only so much that you can manage. With that being said, here are my tips for prepping in suburbia and in the city.

Make the most of your space.

Whether you live in a suburban house or a big city apartment, you may find that your space is far more limited than our country-dwelling counterparts. That doesn't mean you can't prep, though!