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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

Breakthrough Zero-Carbon Fertilizer Set to Take Root Across the World as 'Biochar'

• Good News Network

This potentially-revolutionary method of making fertilizer that almost completely removes greenhouse gas emissions has received a grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies to be incorporated into 7 major cities' landscaping programs.

Making "biochar" as it's called, has been modernized recently in Sweden, and is done by putting grass trimmings, hedge clippings, tree branches, or any other kind of yard waste, into an enclosed space and "pyrolyzing it" in such a way as to avoid the rapid oxidation of CO2.

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Comment by Anonymous
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I predict that within 5 to 10 years — UNLESS the Far Left Democrat Regressives succeed in substantially destroying the American Constitutional Republic — anyone who has substantial investments, monetary or otherwise, in all this “Zero-Carbon” or anti-Carbon Dioxide propaganda is going to feel VERY DUMB or VERY ANGRY. It’s all based on one of THE most fundamental and agregious LIES to come out of the 20th Century.