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IPFS News Link • Food Shortages

10,000 Head of Cattle Killed in Kansas as US Faces Skyrocketing Prices, Potential Food Shortages

• by Warner Todd Hust

An estimated 10,000 fat cattle died as temperatures in the state soared past 100 degrees with 18 to 35 percent humidity on Monday, according to a report by Progressive Farmer magazine.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment spokesman Matthew Lara confirmed the deaths of at least 2,000 head of cattle that succumbed to the heat and humidity on Tuesday, according to Reuters.

The calculation is based on the number of carcasses the agency has been asked to help dispose of, Reuters reported.

"It was essentially a perfect storm," A.J. Tarpoff said, a beef extension veterinarian for Kansas State University, told Progressive Farmer senior editor Victoria G. Myers